About Us

Hey there! Welcome to Neurospace, where all brains are welcome. 

Want to find out more? You've come to the right place. 

If you have a more specific question, check out our FAQs or use the Contact form to send us a message.

🌈What’s Neurospace all about?

Neurospace is a Community Interest Company. That's fancy lingo for a social enterprise that's all about making a positive impact. 

Our main aim? To help neurodiverse people by making the world more accessible and easier to navigate. We're here to help businesses and venues become more neurodiverse-friendly; we want to help break down the barriers and make spaces truly accessible for everyone. 

In a nutshell, we want to ensure that, when it comes to accessibility, businesses have the knowledge and tools to walk the walk. 

🧠Why does it matter?

Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku described the human brain as “the most complicated object in the known universe”. That’s not bad for something we all carry around on our shoulders. More to the point though, what this means is that everyone’s brain is a bit different, each working in its own cool and unique way to process information. This is what we mean when we talk about ‘neurodiversity’. 

At Neurospace, we firmly believe that neurodiversity is something to be celebrated. Life would be pretty dull if we all thought in exactly the same way, right? 

Celebrating neurodiversity starts with inclusivity; and inclusivity starts with recognising that neurodivergent individuals - that is, people whose brains work more differently than most - face different challenges, and may have additional needs, when navigating the world. By building awareness and understanding of these differences, we can identify areas where things aren’t as accessible as they could be, and tweak them to make them more neurodiverse-friendly, thus ensuring our spaces work for everyone.

Millions of incredible people fall under the neurodiverse umbrella. So, let's make the world a place where every brain feels at home!

💡What do we do?

Picture this: you're in a cool café but, because of your dyslexia, you can’t find what you want because the menu formatting means it might as well be written in hieroglyphics. Or, you’re in the supermarket doing the weekly shop but, because of the bright lights, you find yourself completely overwhelmed due to the sensory processing difficulties that come with your autism spectrum disorder. These are just two examples of where simple, specific changes could be made to make these spaces more accessible. 

This is where Neurospace comes in.

We believe most people want to be accommodating but can be intimidated by the many variables and don’t know where to start. We're the go-to consultants for all things neurodiversity. 

We're not magicians (well, not the wand-waving kind), but we do bring some serious expertise to the table. We provide a bespoke service to businesses. We dive deep, figuring out what venues are already doing well and what specific improvements can turn them into neuro-inclusive hotspots. It's like giving places a makeover, but with accessibility as the glam factor!

We work with any space that’s open to the public, providing advice that’s tailored and achievable to those operating anything from markets to museums, libraries to leisure centres. 

📋How does it work?

Simple! We charge a fee for our initial brainstorming session (consultancy, if you want to get fancy) which will vary depending on the size and type of your business, and then there's an annual subscription to keep you accredited. 

Our consultation will start out with a fact-finding mission which usually involves one of our team touring the space and chatting with staff to get a proper understanding of how things work. We’ll then use all that research to generate actionable insights which we’ll include, along with our recommendations, in a written report. After you’ve had a chance to ask questions and make any changes we’ve recommended, we’ll follow up to see how you’re getting on. The subscription comes with a yearly review and our official stamp of approval. 

Accredited businesses will also get a spot on the Neurospace app which neurodivergent folk can use to find out about your business and all the ways you’re making your space more inclusive.

If you're a business owner, you can find more information on our consultancy and accreditation scheme - including how you can apply - here.

So, whether you're a business wanting to level up or someone looking for spaces where you can just be you, Neurospace is your ticket to a world where all brains not only survive but absolutely thrive.

🚀What's in it for businesses?

When you partner with Neurospace, you're not just getting a consultancy service, you're unlocking a whole new world of potential customers. Researchers estimate that around 15-20% of the population fits the definition of neurodivergent, so catering to diverse needs isn't just a feel-good move—it's a smart one. For businesses, it's a win-win: a broader, more comfortable customer base and the sweet sound of added revenue.

As well as helping identify and make the adjustments needed to be more neuro-accessible, businesses will also be recognised on our app, and we've got a cool kitemark that shows you're officially Neurospace-approved. Stick that on your door, and you're telling the world that you're all about inclusion!

Ready to dive into a world where inclusion is the norm? Drop us a line at hello@neurospace.uk